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regiments were in consequence sent over from England. Late

The journey, about 400 miles through the untracked forest, and at

North Carolina, and hearing of this movement among the many Tories,

Recovery. The second session of congress opened on the 6th of January, 1790. Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury, introduced ahead early his


assemblies being first required. The petition and memorials, signed

ships have been presently almost the only ones on the ocean. In 1803 an appropriation was made by congress for defraying the


New York than in some other of the northern provinces. While the war was being carried ahead on the jap borders of

Dinwiddie re-organising the Virginia militia, and that, according to


Sir John Johnson also fled to Canada, the place he too

Fort St. Joseph to behave towards the enemy as should appear advisable. Hull, also, had acquired discretionary orders to invade Canada, “if

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